It looks like actor Anuj Sawhney has finally come of age, and managed to carve out a niche for himself in the world of Indian cinema with his stellar performance in Kalpana Lajmi's ‘Chingari'.
And though he has acted in films like ‘Nayee Padosan', ‘Funtoosh' and ‘Naina', it is ‘Chingari' which holds a special place in his heart, and which he considers to be his launch pad.
Talking about the movie he said, "To have Kalpana Lajmi for a director, Sushmita Sen, who has proved herself both as an actress and superstar, and veteran actor Mithun Chakraborty for co-stars is something I am extremely proud of. Coming from "Nayee Padosan" I think it has been a step forward in the right direction".
Sawhney, who has acted in over 76 advertisements and five videos, said that graduating from a 30-second ad spot, to a three-minute video and then a three-hour film had been an incredible learning experience.
As for his career, the actor believes that hard work is the key to success, and he is not willing to compromise on the quality of his work.
"I have worked very hard to reach where I am today. I will never compromise on the quality of work. I think patience has a big virtue in this industry, not only for me but for anyone who wants to make it big," he said.
Thursday, February 23, 2006 14:46 IST